How to Improve Your Car’s MPG

Gas is expensive. If you’re like most Americans than you groan every time you go to the gas station. Fuel may not be getting any cheaper but there are some simple steps you can take to improving your MPG.

gasoline pump and gold coin with dollar sign

Slow Down

We all like to get where we’re going as fast as possible, but you could be burning fuel while burning rubber. According to the U.S. Government, you could save between $0.16-$0.33/gallon simply by observing the speed limit. That may not seem like a lot, but in the end it’ll add up! (Plus, less money spent on speeding tickets means more money in your pocket!)

Calm Down!

Driving aggressively (rapidly accelerating and braking) is a big waste of gas. Your aggressive driving can lower your gas mileage by as much as 30% on the highway and up to 40% in stop-and-go traffic! Taking your time, and driving defensively rather than aggressively is not only safer for you and your passengers, it’s cheaper!

Replace Your Engine!

If your car is struggling to run, then you’re wasting gas. If purchasing a new car is out of the question, consider rebuilding or replacing your engine. A reputable mechanic, like American Engine Installations can restore your engine and save you from buying a brand new vehicle.

Additional Tips and Tricks

  • Turn your engine off while idling- it only takes 10 seconds worth of gas to start your engine.
  • Keep your tires properly inflated.
  • Load cargo inside of your vehicle instead of on top of it.

Are you looking to rebuild your engine? Check out the experts at American Engine Installations.

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